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Educating and activating health professionals to work toward health equity.

Duluth News Tribune:

Letters to the Editor and Guest Column guidelines

Letters to the editor are a critical part of the community dialogue, and the News Tribune makes every effort to publish all letters of opinion, as long as they meet our requirements.

Letters are limited to 300 words, must be the original work of the author and must be submitted exclusively to the News Tribune.

Letters are edited for style, space, accuracy and civility.

Letter writers aren't allowed more than one published submission every 30 days.

With rare exceptions, the News Tribune does not publish poetry; letters that are anonymous, libelous or attack other writers; consumer-complaint letters; thank-you letters; or letters generated by political or special-interest campaigns, even if they're signed by local people.

We will consider exclusive Local View columns of no more than 600 words. Authors should possess unique insights and their commentaries greater knowledge of their subject than letters.

E-mail submissions to:
Mail to: Readers' Views, Duluth News Tribune, 222 W. Superior St., Duluth MN 55802.
Fax to: 218-720-4120.

All submissions must include a full name, address and daytime phone number. Only names and hometowns will be published.


Educating and activating health professionals to work toward health equity


Health Professionals will use their voice, knowledge, and influence to eliminate the inequities that exist in health and healthcare, while working effectively with their patients, health systems, communities, and decision makers to address health equity wherever they live, work, learn, and play.

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