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Educating and activating health professionals to work toward health equity.

Readers Write:

A letter stands a better chance of publication if it adheres to the length guidelines of 250 words at most (the shorter the letters, the more we can publish). It’s helpful if a letter addresses a timely topic or a perennial issue from a fresh perspective.

You can send letters by going to or email Letters sent by post are also considered but can be at a disadvantage in terms of immediacy. They should be mailed to Letters to the Editor, Star Tribune Building, 650 3rd Avenue South, Suite 1300, Minneapolis, MN, 55488.

Make sure you include your name and city of residence, along with various ways we can contact you, if needed, with questions while on deadline. It’s also helpful to include links or clear references to material you’re citing. Letters taking issue with the Star Tribune’s reporting will be given due deliberation, although specific examples of errors are best directed to

Guest Commentary:

What makes a good commentary? Here are some guiding questions for those who wish to submit their writing for consideration:

• Is the topic relevant to Minnesota readers?

• Is the topic timely?

• Will your commentary add a fresh perspective or merely rehash what has already been said? Will readers be engaged by the writing?

• Do you have expertise in the topic area? (This adds credibility, but it’s not mandatory — experts don’t have a monopoly on insight.)

• Is the writing clear and efficient and within our word limitation?

• Does the submission offer a clear point of view? Is it plausible?

• Is the argument being presented logically sound in its construction and conclusions?

• Does the commentary avoid hyperbole and fallacies? (No exaggerations, no red herrings, no ad hominem attacks.)

• If outside material or data is being presented, is it appropriately sourced? Do any numbers cited add up correctly?

Submissions should be no more than 700 words. They must be exclusive to the Star Tribune. All must include the author’s real, legal name. Rebuttals to other articles become the property of the Star Tribune and may be republished in any format.

To submit a commentary online, go to or email

Community Engagement Director, Kavita Kumar, who proactively searches for new voices to feature in a variety of mediums at the Star Tribune. If you have an idea for commentary or thoughts about potential contributing columnists or topics, please reach out to her at


Educating and activating health professionals to work toward health equity


Health Professionals will use their voice, knowledge, and influence to eliminate the inequities that exist in health and healthcare, while working effectively with their patients, health systems, communities, and decision makers to address health equity wherever they live, work, learn, and play.

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