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Educating and activating health professionals to work toward health equity.

The Board of Directors oversees the organizational function and deliverables of Minnesota Doctors for Health Equity (MDHEQ). This work is supported by the Executive Director of the organization and separated into unique yet interdependent committees outlined below. Please reach out to a contact listed below to get involved.

Advancing Health Equity

Committee Purpose: The Advancing Health Equity Committee is responsible for coordinating and sustaining action across MDHEQ priority issues. The Committee regularly reviews MDHEQ work and provides a forum for members to discuss specific health equity issues in the community, and plan "sprint" work groups to tackle issues. Sprint groups help develop educational materials, plan events, partner with community-led initiatives, and engage in advocacy efforts like letter writing or submitting testimony, and other activities. 

To learn more e-mail:

Finance Committee

Committee Purpose: The Finance Committee shall assist the Board in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities with respect to reviewing and monitoring budgets and spending for the organization consistent with the organization’s long term goals; and reviewing and monitoring the foundation’s budget, including program and management appropriations and capital spending. The committee shall also make recommendations to the board 

Chair: Thomas Schmidt, Treasurer (E-mail:


Educating and activating health professionals to work toward health equity


Health Professionals will use their voice, knowledge, and influence to eliminate the inequities that exist in health and healthcare, while working effectively with their patients, health systems, communities, and decision makers to address health equity wherever they live, work, learn, and play.

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